Those incidental ideas then become the signposts that guide my staff: the set designers, costume designers and mask designers.’ This comprehensive special exhibition turns the spotlight on the productive relationship between drawing and film. After debuting in the entertainment world as a journalist, and radiophonic screenwriter, in 1941 he collaborated on the screenwrite of the first films of Italian neorealism, including Campo.

Director: Federico Fellini Stars: Britta Barnes, Peter Gonzales Falcon, Fiona Florence, Pia De Doses. He is universally known as an icon of world cinema. Although film rapidly became his primary form of artistic expression, drawing remained the central tool of his preparatory creative work for his films as he put it himself: ‘It often happens that during my preparations I draw sketches, designs and figures. A fluid, unconnected and sometimes chaotic procession of scenes detailing the various people and events of life in Italys capital, most of it based on director Federico Fellinis life. Fellini was an obsessive, provocative and original film-maker, but also a tireless draughtsman. Cult productions such as ‘La strada’ (1954), ‘La dolce vita’ (1960), ‘Amarcord’ (1974) and ‘Città delle donne’ (1980) have become classics that, to this day, are discussed and celebrated far beyond the film community. The subject on this occasion is Federico Fellini (1920–1993), one of the most important directors in cinema history. These give audiences the opportunity to rediscover brilliant personalities and their exceptional legacy, while highlighting its importance to art history.

Influenced early in his career by the Neorealist movement, he developed his own distinctive methods that superimposed dreamlike or hallucinatory imagery upon ordinary situations. Starting his career as an avid journalist and cartoonist specializing in caricatures, it wasnt until after the downfall of Mussolini. Federico Fellini was born in Rimini on 20 January 1920, son of Ida Barbiani, of Roman origin, and Urbano, a travelling salesman, originally of Gambettola. Federico Fellini was one of the great Neo-Surrealistic Italian Film makers with a career spanning four decades. The Kunsthaus Zürich continues its long tradition of cultural history exhibitions that venture beyond what is conventionally regarded as art. Federico Fellini, (born January 20, 1920, Rimini, Italydied October 31, 1993, Rome), Italian film director who was one of the most celebrated and singular filmmakers of the period after World War II. Federico Fellini (1920 - 1993) was active/lived in Italy.